The Endgame ENDED Me!
..... What????!!! EXCUSE ME?! Has anyone seen my mind?? I think it oozed out of my ears at the AMC theatre last night. Avengers Endgame has solidified the MCU as the greatest film franchise in history. Go debate someone else about this statement because I am not the one. This movie drained all my energy because afterward I was physically exhausted. Mentally and emotionally drained times a thousand. I've seen it twice because the first time something happened at AMC and the first 15minutes were missed, so we got tickets to return. I am still on a high. My notes are jumbled and on a bunch of pages all I wrote is OMG! OMG! NOOOOO! OMG SHUT UP!
Emotionally I don't even want to write this review because although it was one of the greatest movies I have ever experienced in a theater, it broke my heart. This is one emotional roller coaster I didn't sign up for, but I also don't want to get off. No other movie should be made after this. Marvel wrapped up the last 12 years of my movie going life into a huge red bow that is sure to break all types of box office records. Color me shocked if this movie doesn't become the highest grossing movie of all time. Obviously, I am stalling writing this, so let me get to it. I will try to mention as many call backs as I remember so please bear with me. This is by far the longest write up i will probably ever do so buckle up Buttercup and let’s get started!
The Snap
“See where you're going? Now, let's worry about how we get there.” These are the words Clint is saying to his daughter Lila as she is practicing archery, taking after her father. His ankle monitor shows he is still on house arrest from the events in Civil War which is why he wasn't there fighting in Wakanda. His wife Linda is making hot dogs for the kids and it seems like a nice quiet afternoon until Linda calls them to eat. Clint turns to call Lila and we see the familiar dust particles from Infinity War floating in the air. Clint looks confused as he turns around and finds himself standing all alone outside. He calls for his family but there is no answer. We hear the rumble of the thunder on what looks like a clear day and we the viewers get a sight of what the snap was like for those that were not on the battlefield. I mean we did see it in the post credit scene with Nick Fury and Maria Hill, but this one hit more home because Clint retired and gave that life up.
Special mention to the credits. We don't get the usual hyped up Marvel marquee and the only characters we see are those that survived the snap.
I Lost The Kid
Tony and Nebula are on the ship playing paper football floating in space. She wins the game and is stunned; you can tell she has never won anything before. He congratulates her and then goes off to record a message for Pepper, just as he did in Iron Man 3 on the Stark Secured Network. He tells her not to put it on social media (a call back to Iron Man) because it will be a real tearjerker. Tony looks frail and severely underweight. He doesn't even know if Pepper survived the snap but he records anyway. He lets her (and us) know that they have been floating in space for 22 days (note this is the 22nd Marvel Movie) and they are dead in the water. Food has run out and the infection he got from being shanked by Thanos has run its course. Nebula has been helpful, but the ship is beyond repair and a thousand light years from earth. Oxygen will run out by the morning and that will be it. He was hoping to pull off one last surprise, but it doesn't seem possible. He says don't worry, it will just be like every night lately, he will fall asleep, and as always, he will dream about her. It's always been her. (a call back to Iron Man 2). We see Tony lay down and he looks like he is dying. Nebula approaches him to check on him and she looks sad and defeated. She props him up in the pilot seat and we see what Tony sees: Nothing but space and darkness. We see a bright light appear so bright that makes Tony open his eyes to investigate and its Captain Marvel.
Back at Avengers headquarters in Upstate, New York we see Captain America shaving off his beard (booooo!) and the building starts to rumble. Rhodey, Capt.., Natalie (Black Widow) and Bruce (Hulk) go outside to see Captain Marvel carrying a spaceship and Pepper is already out there.( In a post credit scene in Captain Marvel these remaining Avengers were dissecting Fury's pager as he was sending out a message to Captain Marvel as the snap happened. Captain Marvel showed up to Avengers Campus looking for Nick Fury). Tony and Nebula exit the spaceship and Capt. literally runs to Tony and grabs him to help. Tony tells Capt. he couldn't stop him and Capt. says neither could he. Tony tells Capt. he lost the kid, referring to Spider Man. Capt. tells Tony they all lost. Tony and Pep reunite while Nebula sits back and Rocket sits next to her and holds her hand. It should not be overlooked that the emotional stress Nebula must be feeling that her father killed her sister AND caused a this. The guilt must be eating her alive.
I Have NO Trust For You, Liar
Rhodey and Nat fill Tony in on what has been going on as far as earth is concerned. It is hard to remember that Tony was not on earth in Infinity War. They say it has now been 23 days since Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped out 50% of all LIVING CREATURES. Not just humans like I assumed. Birds, humans, ants, all of ‘em. Tony, who is in a wheelchair with an IV asks Thanos's whereabouts and Capt. says they don't know because he just opened up a portal and dipped out. Tony asks what's the matter with Thor and Rocket tells Tony he is pissed because he thinks he failed, but they all feel that way. Tony thought Rocket was a build-a-bear this whole time while Capt. tells Tony they have been hunting Thanos for 3 weeks with no luck. Capt. asks Tony if he has any intel since he fought him. Tony says he didn't fight him, "he whipped my face with a planet while the Bleeker St magician gave away the store. There was no fight because he is unbeatable." Capt. senses Tony’s agitation and asks if Thanos gave any clues about what he might be up to next. Tony said he saw this coming a few years back and he had a vision that he didn't want to believe and before he starts to ramble, Capt. tells Tony he needs him to focus. Wrong move sir. Tony tells Capt. that he needed him. He remembers saying they needed a suit of armor around the world despite the fact that it may impact our "precious freedom." Tony reminded Capt. that he said they would loose and Capt. promised they would do that together and when it hit the fan, Capt. wasn't there. He said he has nothing, not even trust because Capt. is a liar in his eyes. He snatches off the nanoparticles housing unit off his chest and gives it to Capt. and tells him to go put it on and hide. Tony in his weakened state then falls and passes out. This whole scene is an Age of Ultron call back.
Let's Go Get Him
We see Tony laid up in bed with Pep by his side and Bruce monitoring him while Rhodey reports that Bruce gave him a sedative and he should be out all day. Captain Marvel tell them to look after and him she will bring him an elixir when she comes back from killing Thanos. Capt. and Nat are shocked like who does this girl think she is? Nat tells her that they are a team despite how tacky they are acting. Capt. says that he understands the universe is more her territory, but this is personal for them as well. Nebula says she knows where Thanos is- The Garden. Rocket pulls up a hologram chart saying a power surge was on this planet 2 days ago and Nebula confirms the location. Bruce says they are shorthanded, but Captain Marvel says let’s get the stones and bring everyone back. Nat agrees says even if they have a small chance they owe it to everyone not in that room to at least try. Bruce is doubtful, asking a great question: how do we know this time would end any differently? Captain Marvel says they didn’t have her and Rhodey gets a little offended. He says they are a about that super hero life so what makes her special and if she is so dope, where has she been?! Captain Marvel puts him back in his American place saying there is a whole galaxy out there that don’t have Avengers. Thor, who hasn't said a word calls for Stormbreaker and when Captain Marvel doesn’t flinch at his powers, he approves, and Capt. says lets go get him as the Avengers marquee and theme play with only half of the instruments. What a way to commit.
I Went For The Head
They show the remaining Avengers minus Tony in the ship headed towards Thanos and it is Capt., Nat and Rhodeys first time in space. We see Capt. still holding the compass with Peggy's picture in it and Nat assures him this plan is going to work. Capt. tells her he hopes so because he does not know what he is going to do if it doesn’t. Captain Marvel reports back after scouting ahead and tells them Thanos is alone with zero army. It is just him and Nebula says, "and that is enough."
We see a hut sitting in the middle of a field with bright skies and chirping birds. Thanos's armor is hanging outside like a scarecrow while he picks fruit from his garden using the hand with the gauntlet still attached. It appears to have melted to his arm and his whole body on that side is severely burned. In a blitz attack they bum rush Thanos from all angles and Thor comes in and chops his hand off. While Thanos is in anguish, Rocket turns the gauntlet over to see the stones gone. They ask for the stones and Thanos says the universe required correction and once that was done, they serve no purpose other than temptation. He last used the stones two days ago to destroy the stones and reduce them to atoms and it nearly killed him. He says the work is done and he is Inevitable. They all look stunned and Rhodey suggests tearing the place apart because he thinks he is lying. Nebula tells them her dad might be many things but a liar isn't one of them, which we learned in Infinity War. Thanos thanks his daughter and says he might have treated her too harshly, but the sentimental moment is gone when Thor chops Thanos's head clean off. Everyone is shocked and Rocket asked Thor what has he done? I get Thor is pissed but they still needed information. Thor just responds, "I went for the head." They all look around shocked as Thor walks outside back to the ship. In Infinity War Thor pressed Stormbreaker into Thanos's chest while giving a speech and Thanos tells him, "he should have gone for the head" as he proceeds with the snap. This trip was not about reversing anything for Thor is was about killing Thanos which he did, but at what cost.
We see aerial coverage of a deserted New York. Cars in parking lots, boats crowding the Statue of Liberty, Citi Field abandoned. We are taken into a support group where a flyer on the wall says, " Where do we go, now that they're gone?" We see Joe Russo making an appearance telling how he went on a date with a guy and they both ended up crying while discussing the effects of surviving the snap before dessert came. Despite all the sadness during the evening, they have another date set up for the next night. Capt. shares with the group about going down in the ice in 1945 and losing the love of his life, waking up 70 years later and he learned to move on. The world was left to them and they must do something with it, otherwise Thanos should have killed them all.
The Vanished
We see Ant Man’s van in storage with a rat crawling around the dashboard that which triggers the quantum tunnel and in 5 seconds time, Ant Man shoots out the back. He calls out for Hope in his confused state, and once he realizes his surroundings, he gets the guards attention to be let out. He notices his neighborhood looks deserted and sees missing flyers on all the poles. He goes to a memorial called The Vanished with a list of names, hundreds of thousands of them. He looks for his daughter’s name but stumbles across his own. Confused, he races home to see his daughter, Cassie, but five years older. They are both in shock, him that she is older, her that he is even alive.
Back at Avengers Headquarters we see Nat looking a hot depressed messed and rightfully so. Her blonde bob is now shoulder length and her familiar red hair has grown in. She is holding court with Captain Marvel, Nebula, Rocket, Okoye and Rhodey all of whom are via satellite. It is an active channel for them to check in of they hear or see anything. Carol (Captain Marvel) says she has things to do so she won't be attending these meetings anymore anytime soon because what is going down on earth is happening on thousands of planets. Nat tells them if anyone is making trouble alert her immediately and they all agree. Nat is missing her Avenger schedule tough. It was just about all she had, and it gave her purpose. The others sign off but Rhodey stays telling her he is in Mexico. There have been mass murders of cartel gangs happening all over and he is sure Barton is the reason why. Apparently, he has been on a murder spree ever since the snap. Nat doesn't want to believe it and although Rhodey wants to leave him where he is, Nat asks him to keep trailing him please. She almost breaks down and cries, but Capt. comes in to see her, leading me to believe he doesn't stay at the headquarters. A pair of ballet pointe shoes on the chair next to Nat says she is maybe back to taking ballet, a call back to her training in the Red Room briefly touched on in Age of Ultron. Capt. says he tells everyone to move on but they don't. Nat says if she moves on, who does this? Who watches Avenger Headquarters and active channels if they quit? Capt. says maybe it doesn’t need to be done. Nat says this made her a better person although everyone is gone, she still wants to be better.
It's Been Five Hours
Capt. and Nat are interrupted by Scott Lang at the front gate asking if anyone is there. Capt. asks if this is an old message or new because he was certainly on the snapped list. He is trying to convince them to let him in. Upstairs he is mumbling to himself and asks them if they know quantum physics and of course they don't. He tells them that during the snap he was in a placed called the quantum realm that is its own microscopic universe and Hope was supposed to pull him out of it, but she got snapped up and for him it hasn’t been five years, it’s been five hours. The quantum realm has its own rules and time works differently and right now they don't have a way to navigate it. He wonders if there is a way they can enter the quantum realm at a time and exit before Thanos. Capt.. looks confused because basically he is asking for a time machine. They don't think his idea is crazy but who can build a time machine in 2023?
Planck Scale+ Deutsch Proposition
We see Tony at a house on a lake getting his daughter Morgan (a call back from Infinity War regarding the dream he had) and she is all types of adorable. She is playing with an Iron Man helmet she claims she found in a garage and Tony says Pep never wears anything he buys her, letting us know the helmet is Peppers and is a special anniversary gift. As he is walking her in the house for lunch, he sees Capt., Nat and Scott pull into the driveway. It seems that they all went their separate ways after the argument 5 years ago. They lay out the plan and Tony says messing with the quantum realm messes with the Planck Scale and triggers the Deutsch Proposition and I've only heard of these two things on the Big Bang Theory, so that shows the level of science Tony is talking. Tony says all that means you are not coming home and when Scott says he did, Tony says he accidentally survived. Scott calls his plan the time heist and Capt. says of they go back and get the stones they could possibly reverse the snap, but Tony says they could possibly screw it up more. Tony says there is no way he can safely execute the time heist and he believes it will be the end of them all. Scott says if they follow the rules of time travel laid out by back to the future, they could safely do it. Nat says they must take a stand and Tony says they did and lost. He is not interested in helping. He made it out barely and still has Pep, a daughter and his happily ever after and he is not giving that up for anything or anyone.
Professor Hulk Banner
With Tony out they turn the next smartest person they know, only he isn't the guy they knew before. We see Banners mind and personality in Hulks body wearing a v-neck and a cardigan and everyone is confused. Bruce blamed himself and he says he felt like he lost twice so he went underground in a gamma lab for 18months to figure out how to merge the brain with the brawn. He says the time travel is outside of his area of expertise, but since he is their only option at the moment, they say they believe in him.
Would You Be Able To Rest?
We see Tony washing dishes and he stops to look at a picture of him and Peter at the fake Stark conference from Spiderman Homecoming and it gives him inspiration. In true Stark fashion he basically figures out time travel in less than a minute and although it seems like it was something he was playing around with since his talk with Nat Capt. and Scott, and whatever inspiration he got from that picture was the trick. Morgan startles him and asks him for a popsicle. He then takes her upstairs to tuck her into bed and he tells her he loves her tons and she says she loves him 3000. He goes downstairs to brag to Pepper but ends up telling her he figured out time travel. She is shocked but not surprised. She says they got lucky and Tony says he could forget all about it and not mention it, but she tells him he won't be able to rest. If Tony knows he can fix something, especially something he thinks he failed at the first time, he is going to try and make it right.
I See This As An Absolute Win
Banner, Scott, Capt. and Nat have the van with the quantum tunnel fired up and they are going to try this time travel thing out. Banner says he will send Steve back a week, let him walk around for an hour and come back in ten seconds. First, he brings him back as a kid, then an old man and lastly a baby. Capt. is outside looking stressed and Tony shows up and guessed their mission failed. He says they moved time through Scott instead of moving Scott through time, but not to worry he fixed it. He pulls out a time travel bracelet saying he just wants peace while Capt. smiles. They agree to bury the past, but Tony makes it clear- he hopes they get back what they lost but he has to protect his new reality at costs and maybe not die trying. Tony gives Capt. his shield back (after taking it in Civil War) reminding Capt. that his dad (Howard Stark) made it for him. Capt. says they are working on getting a team.
Thor, God of Beer
Rocket and Banner go to the new Asgard to look for Thor. Valkyrie says he stays hidden and only comes out once a month to get more beer. The Thor we know his gone and he is now severely overweight and depressed. He has a huge beer belly, but he is excited to see his friends. Thor isn't interested in the plan to reverse the snap but they convince him with beer.
Don't Give Me Hope
We see what looks like Japanese Cartel members being slaughtered by an unknown assailant in Tokyo. We see Barton under his Ronin persona after being pushed over the mental edge after the snap. A guy he is fighting ask why is he doing this and he states: “the rest of the world got Thanos and you go me.” It seems he is going around the country killing bad guys that survived the snap as retaliation against the innocent that didn’t. He feels Nat's presence and says she shouldn't be here and she says neither should he. She tells them there is a way to fix it all and he says don't give him hope. She apologizes to her best friend for not giving it sooner.
The Rules of Time Travel
Tony and Rocket are working on a literal time machine while Nebula and Banner perfect a time travel suit. Scott is being very protective of the few remaining Pym Particles since Pym got snapped, it's not like they can go get more, so they have enough for one round trip each plus one test run. It was two, but after his speech he accidentally used one. Clint volunteers to do the test run and Nebula and Banner prep him. Rhodey suggests killing baby Thanos if this time travel thing works and Banner says not only is that horrible, but time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't necessarily change the future. Scott says all they have to do is get the stones before Thanos and Nebula says that's not how it works. They list off a bunch of movies in which it does work that way that deal with time travel and Banner says they are all wrong. Banner says if you travel to the past, "that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which now can't be changed by your new future." Confusing huh? Anyway, Clint uses the quantum realm to go back home before the snap. He is in his barn and he sees his son’s baseball glove. He hears his kids and as he runs to greet them, he is pulled back to the present still holding the glove. The time heist worker perfectly and Tony Anthony Stark is the smartest man alive. Now knowing it works they need to figure out where all the stones actually are and go get them.
Time Heist Brainstorm Meeting
Since the stones have been in a lot of places and everyone except Ant Man has had an encounter with them, they share knowledge of the stone’s whereabouts. The reality stone is red and has been liquified into dark red fluid called Aether and Thor said "it is an angry sludge sort of thing, so someone's gonna need to amend that." Rocket said Quill stole the power stone from Morag and Nebula tells them the soul stone is from Vormir, which is “a dominion of death at the very center of celestial existence where he murdered her sister.” Scott calls not it. Talking over the information with Tony and Banner, Nat realizes there are 3 stones in New York at the same time; the space stone (Tesserract), the mind stone (Loki's scepter) and the time stone (Dr. Strange). Now they have a plan to get all six stones with three different teams. Time to suit up. They all do the famous slow walk to the time machine and they put their hands in a circle and it resembles Tony's arc reactor from the first Iron Man. Capt. gives one of his famous speeches and says this is the fight of their lives. Whatever it takes. Nat says, "see you in a minute" and into the quantum realm they go.
New York 2012
We see the infamous shot from Avengers one with all of them in a circle gearing up for war while the team of Tony, Capt., Scott and Banner are in an alley a few blocks away. Capt. says there are two stones uptown and one downtown and everyone has their assignment. Capt. is after the scepter, Tony and Scott the Tesserract and Banner after the time stone.
Banner goes to the Sanctum and explains to the Ancient One that he needs the time stone and when he tries to take it, she expels Banner's consciousness from the Hulk and states "let's try this again"
Asgard 2013
We see Loki laying around and Jane in the background as Thor and Rocket sneak around and come up with a plan. Thor panics when he sees his mom and says he can't do this and Rocket slaps some sense into him telling him to get a grip because everyone is depending on them and Rocket wants his family back.
Morag 2014
Natasha and Clint drop Nebula and Rhodey off in Morag while they take the bigger ship to Vormir. They hug goodbye and Rhodey says to grab the stone and come back, no messing around. Clint and Nat are headed to Vormir, and Clint, marveling at the fact they are traveling through space says "this is a long way from Budapest", a call back to the first Avengers. Back on Morag, Nebula says they should take cover because they are not the only ones in 2014 looking for the stone; there is her father, her sister, and herself. Rhodey asks where "is she right now" and they show 2014 Nebula fighting and Gimora saves her. She resents it and Gimora tells them Thanos wants them back on the ship because he found a stone. 2014 Nebula says fathers plan is in motion and Gimora says one stone isn’t six. 2014 Thanos comes on the ship and 2014 Nebula starts to suck up to Thanos which irritates Gimora. 2014 Nebula says she will make Thanos proud and just then a memory shows the conversation between Rhodey and 2023 Nebula stating that everyone is looking for the stone. 2014 Nebula doesn't know what is going on and Gimora says her drive might have been damaged in battle. Thanos wants to further investigate.
New York 2012
2012 Tony tells 2012 Capt. things look to be wrapping up and Capt. says he is heading for the elevator. 2023 Tony creeps into his old Penthouse and watch the 2012 Avengers capture Loki. Tony reminds Capt. that his suit did nothing for his figure and Capt. gets annoyed that Tony is even looking. 2023 Ant Man is on 2023 Tony’s shoulder watching as Rumlow and Hydra shows up to take the scepter. Nat passes it to Jasper Sitwell while Loki imitates Captain America. Tony flicks Ant Man into the briefcase with the Tesserract and he runs up 2012 Tony’s arm. The 2012 Avengers take the elevator down while Hulk has to take the stairs which pisses him off. 2023 Capt. gets on the elevator and the scene is a call back to the infamous elevator scene in Winter Soldier. Capt. says he is running point because he got word that there may he an attempt to steal it. To ease their minds, he whispers Hail Hydra in Jaspers ear, letting him know he is on their side which allows him to walk out with the scepter containing the mind stone. The 2012 Avengers are walking Loki out of the building while 2023 Tony is dressed as security watching. He is instructing Ant Man to go into his shirt and pull a pin out of the arc reactor to give 2012 Tony a mild heart attack. He doesn't want to, but Tony knows Thor can revive him with his hammer based on their first fight in the Avengers. 2012 Avengers run into Alexander Pierce and he wants Loki, only Thor isn't giving him up so easily since he is a God and they are just humans. They tussle over the case and Ant Man pulls the pin causing Tony to collapse and drop the case. Tiny Ant Man kicks the briefcase containing the Tesserract towards 2023 Tony and he grabs it to walk out. All the sudden 2012 Hulk busts out of the stairwell pissed that he had to take the stairs, causing 2023 Tony to drop the briefcase. Out falls the Tesserract right into the hands of Loki, who picks it up and vanishes into what we can assume is another timeline. They blew it.
2023 Capt. is asking for an update and he runs into 2012 Capt. who thinks he is Loki. They begin to fight and its clear 2023 Capt. is over this but 2012 Capt. can do this all day ( a call back to the first Captain America). 2023 Capt. drops his compass with Peggy's picture in it and 2012 Capt. puts him in a choke hold. He breaks 2012 Captain America's concentrating by telling him Bucky is alive. (a call back to Captain America Civil War) He uses the mind stone to knock out 2012 Capt. and leaves the building.
Back at the Sanctorum Banner and the Ancient One have a conversation on why she can't give Banner the time stone. She explains how removing one infinity stone might help his past but not her new reality. Banner says once they reverse what happened in 2018 they can return all the stones to their original spot in the timeline using the same method they are using now so chronologically it is if they never left. The Ancient One is still like nope, not gonna do it but when Banner tells her Dr Strange GAVE it away to Thanos willingly, that changes everything. She reunites Hulk and Banners conscious and they agree Dr. Strange gave the stone away for a reason. She tells Banner that they are all counting on him.
Space 2014
Ebony Maw runs diagnostics on 2014 Nebula and it shows there are 2 Nebulas sharing the same conscious and the duplicate has a time stamp from 9 years in the future on Morag. Thanos has her memory scanned for the mention of Infinity Stones and the memory comes up of the 2023 time heist brainstorm meeting. Thanos tells Ebony Maw to head for Morag and keep scanning 2014 Nebula's memory files.
Asgard 2013
Thor runs into his mom that knows he is from the future which hasn’t been kind to him and states he isn’t the Thor she knows at all. He tries to deny what she says but she was raised by witches and he isn't fooling anyone. He breaks down and says he needs to talk to her while Rocket gets the reality stone from Jane. Thor tells his mom the entire Thanos story and she always has words to comfort him. He tries to warn her about her pending death but she says he is here to repair his future not hers. Rocket shows up with the goods and Thor calls for Mjölnir and although it takes a while, it comes, showing he is still worthy. He says goodbye to mom and they are headed back to 2023. Misison accomplished.
Morag 2014
Rhodey and Nebula watch Quill dance (call back to Guardians of the Galaxy 1) and they knock him out and go through his pockets. Nebula says she found the tool of a thief and they break into the Temple of the Power Stone. Rhodey is couscous while Nebula just walks in, takes the stone burning her hand and all, and passes it to Rhodey without even flinching. They sync up to go back to 2023 but Nebula is paralyzed by pain in her head. Back on Thanos's ship they watch 2023 Nebulas memory file and see 2019 Thanos get decapitated. Thanos doesn't even flinch because he sees that his work is not in vain and his mission was carried out. He says they are trying to undo something he did in the future. He found them all and won. Destiny fulfilled. Ebony Maw calls Nebula a traitor and she says she would never betray him. He says she will have a chance to prove it. 2023 Nebula wakes up and says he knows. She tries to radio Barton and Nat but it’s too late. Thanos's ship approaches and beams her up.
New York 2012
Tony explains they failed, and Capt. says they need a new plan. Scott is pissed saying Tony ruined the time heist and they messed up their only shot. Capt. asks if there are any other options and Scott says no, they only have one particle each and that’s to go home. Tony has an idea to get the Tesserract and more pym particles. Tony and Capt. have a jog down memory lane about where there might be both of those things in one location: S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in 1970. Scott isn't sure about this but although Tony is being vague, Capt. knows his brain and decides to fully trust Tony. They improvise, Capt. tells Scott to take the scepter with the mind stone back to Avengers Base in 2023 and they will be back. They sync up and vanish back to New Jersey, 1970.
New Jersey 1970
We see King Stan Lee in what his final Marvel movie appearance as a hippie driving crazy outside of an army base. Capt. already knows where the bunker is because he discovered the bunker in Winter Soldier. They split up and Tony gets the Tesserract and runs into his father which leaves him all types of flustered. He says his name is Howard Potts and he is so shaken he almost leaves the Tesserract. On another floor Capt. distracts Hank Pym out of his office and steals four more particles. Howard Stark tells Tony his wife is expecting and how excited he is but also nervous. Steve is hiding from security and dips into Peggy's office. He sees her through the window, and you can see the heartbreak in his eyes, longing for what he missed. Back outside, Howard and Tony talk and finds out his name was almost Elmonzo. Howard asks Tony was he nervous and Tony gives him dad advice while Tony signals to Capt. he has the Tesserract, and Capt. has the pym particles. They say their goodbyes and Tony hugs Howard, thanking him for everything which confuses Howard and We see Howard's driver is named Jarvis which needs no explaining..
Space 2014
2014 Nebula is fighting 2023 Nebula and 2014 takes her time machine bracelet. 2023 tell Gimora she could stop this if she wanted to and also that Thanos kills her for the soul stone. 2014 Nebula continues to beat up 2023 Nebula and takes the gold plate from her head. 2014 shows Thanos her new look and gives him a pym particle and asks how does she look, as she plans on taking 2023 Nebulas place in the future with the Avengers.
Vormir 2014
Clint and Nat arrive on Vormir and are greeted by Red Scull and they immediately draw their weapons. He tells them the deal about the stone, a soul for a stone. Clint thinks its all b.s. but Nat feels it isn't because Red Skull knew her dads name and she never did. They talk it over and Clint says we know who it has to be. Nat won't hear of it and neither will Clint. Both are willing to sacrifice themselves and neither one will yield. Nat doesn't necessarily want to do it but she knows she has to in order to save her best friend Clint's life. Clint wants it to be him as a payback for the killing spree he has been on the last five years. She points out that he didn’t judge her when they first met so she won't judge him. He agrees but body slams Nat to the ground, telling her to tell his family he loves them. She attacks him back saying tell them yourself. She runs towards the cliff but Clint uses and exploding arrow that causes her to fall allowing him to run straight off the cliff. He jumps but she grabs him, attaching a device to him, sticking him to the mountain, so they are both hanging off the side. Clint is trying to hold on to the rope as it starts to rain, it is getting harder to hold on to both. She says let her go, its ok. He says no. She pushes her leg against the mounting causing Clint to lose his grip on her and she falls to her death and he watches her fall. Clint wakes up in the same shallow pool of water Thanos did, soul stone in hand except unlike Thanos, he cries, dealing with yet another loss, the last person that was closest to him. He even named his son after her (Nathaniel) and now they are both gone.
We Have To Make It Worth It
The group travels back through the quantum realm and realize the missions were a success and it actually worked. Celebration is short lived when they see Clint’s face and ask where Nat is. Clint’s eyes are filled with tears and Capt. gasps while Bruce falls to his knees. The OG Avengers are out on the deck and Tony asks if she had family and Capt. says they were all she had. Thor is upset that they are talking like she is really gone for good and humans don’t know anything about space magic. Clint says according to the red floating guy, it’s an everlasting trade. Banner says she isn't coming back so they have to make it worth it and Capt. says they will.
We see Tony, Rocket and Banner using a device to pull the stones in the Stark Industries version of the gauntlet. Once complete they discuss who should snap. Thor says obviously him because he has literal lightening running through his veins besides, he wants to right his wrong and he is the strongest Avenger. Tony tells him it is enough electricity to light up a continent and Banner says it has to be him. He reminds them what the snap did to Thanos and that none of them would survive and since the radiation is mostly gamma, he has the best chance. He says it’s like was made for this ( a call back to Avengers one).Tony tells Hulk just bring everyone back to today and not to change anything from the last five years and they all suit up for protection. The Iron Gauntlet opens using nanotech to stretch around Banners arm. He screams from the pain and Thor wants to abort mission. While this is going on, in the other room 2014 Nebula that snuck back is messing with the time machine, bringing 2014 Thanos to 2023. Hulk snaps and passes out. The gauntlet is smoking while Banners arm is severely burned as Thanos's was. As Hulk is in the background groaning in pain and asking if it worked, Clint’s phone rings and it’s his wife on the caller I.D. Scott notices birds chirping and he says it worked. As Banner looks up he sees a blast come from Thanos's ship and before you can say snap, the whole Avengers HQ is blown to smithereens. Many Avengers are trapped underground under the rubble. Hulk is helping Rhodey and Rocket and their level is flooding. Ant man hears their mayday and is on the way. Clint near the gauntlet so he picks it up and notices he is not alone. As he fights off the same alien type dogs that were in Wakanda, Thanos comes off the ship and tells 2014 Nebula tells him they suspected nothing and Thanos says the arrogant never do. He tells her to bring him the stones while 2014 Gimora and 2023 Nebula watch from the ship. 2023 Nebula and 2014 Gimora decide to join forces to stop their father.
Let's Kill Him Properly This Time
Tony finds Capt. and wakes him up and he tells Capt. if he loses his shield again, he is going to keep it. Capt. asks what happened and Tony says when you mess with time, it tends to mess back. Thor is outside staring at Thanos and he tells the others he has been doing absolutely nothing. Capt. asks for the stones and Tony says he doesn't know but Thanos doesn't have them and Capt. says lets keep it that way. Thor says this is a trap and Tony says he doesn't really care and Thor says as long as we are in agreement and summons lightning and gets Mjölnir AND Stormbreaker and his whole suite back. “Let’s kill him properly this time.”
They walk up on Thanos that tells them they couldn't live with their own failure and it led them right back to him. He figured life would thrive with less population but as long as there are people that still hold on to the past, there will always be those unable to accept what can be. Thanos said now his plan is to shred the planet down to its last atom, and with the stones they collected for him, create a new universe. Capt. says it will be born out of blood and Thanos says they will never know it because they won’t be alive to tell them, and with that the big 3 attack.
Under the ruble that used to be the Avenger’s HQ, Ant Man is on the way to save Banner, Rocket and Rhodey and it appears its almost too late. Clint is fighting aliens left and right and he mistakes 2014 Nebula for 2023 Nebula and hands her the gauntlet. 2014 Nebula tells Thanos she has the stones. Clint realizes what happened and when she goes to shoot him 2023 Nebula and Gimora stop her. They try to convince her there is another way out but she disagrees and 2023 Nebula shoots her 2014 self.
Back outside the Big 3 are not having great luck with 2014 Thanos. Iron Man is knocked unconscious and F.R.I.D.A.Y. is trying to wake him up with her voice, Capt. got punched out and Thor has been tossed around like a salad at Olive Garden. Thor calls for Stormbreaker and when he gets it, Thanos uses his arm to start to press it into Thor’s chest. Just then we see Mjölnir lift and knock Thanos over and off of Thor and go into the hands of Capt. (when I tell you the theatre blew up it BLEW UP!) Thor says I KNEW IT (a call back to Age of Ultron) and Capt. now has Mjölnir and his shield. Thanos isn’t impressed and Capt. attacks, constantly going for his head. Capt. summons lightning and has Thanos down but not out. Thanos fights back and eventually overpowers Capt. causing him to drop the hammer.
On Your Left
As Capt. tries to get up Thanos says in all his years his conquests and violence was never personal until now. He is going to enjoy destroying earth. Just then it seems like every alien, monster and bad guy in the universe is lined up behind Thanos. (Just like in Tony’s vision in Age of Ultron.) Capt. is standing all alone, slightly below them and what does he do? He tightens his shield which is almost acting like a tourniquet, tighter and is ready for battle. Just then Capt. hears Sam’s voice asking if he could hear him. Capt. is actually shocked and Sam says, "on your left." (Winter Soldier call back) On his left a portal opens up and out walks Black Panther, Shuri and Okoye. Falcon flies through and tons of portals open up containing all of the Avengers that Vanished in the snap along with their respective armies. King T'Challa starts the war cry YIBAMBE! and everyone chants as more super heroes come through the portals, including Pepper in her Rescue armor. Dr Strange asks Wong is that everyone and he asks, what, you wanted more?". Ant Man comes out as Huge Man carrying Banner Rocket and Rhodey.
Capt., Thor and Tony look around at all their coworkers so to speak while the Avenger them plays. Capt. calls out for the Avengers WHILE reaching for Mjölnir and says what we have been waiting to hear since 2012: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! With that they all charge with Capt. and Black Panther leading the ground and Iron Man leading the aerial attack with the Avengers theme still playing. I am actually writing this review from Heaven because that was the moment I died. Everyone is fighting in unison, Pepper and Tony, Capt. and Thor (at one-point Capt. has Stormbreaker and Thor says no take the smaller one and Capt. runs off excited with Mjölnir.) Spidey and Tony reunite on the battlefield and Tony gives him a hug which is a call back to Spiderman Homecoming.
Quill is being attacked and is saved by 2014 Gimora. He goes to kiss her but since she doesn’t know him, she drops him. Nebula tells her it was either date him or a tree. Clint is running with the gauntlet and he asks Capt. what to do with it. Hulk says they have to return them, and Iron Man says Thanos destroy the time machine. Ant Man says that isn’t their only one and hits the alarm on his van. He asks where it is a Valkyrie says he won’t like where its parked- right in the middle of the fight. Ant Man says he will need about 10min to get the van started and Capt. says start working on it and Hope/ The Wasp joins Ant Man and says " We're on it Capt." ( a call back to Ant Man and Wasp).
Iron Mam meets up with Dr Strange and asks is this the one we win out of 14million (a call back to infinity war) Strange says if he tells him, it won't happen. Ant Man and Wasp make it to the van and they have to hot wire it. Clint is running with the Iron Gauntlet and Thanos spots him. Black Panther calls out for Clint to give it to him (A Call Back to Civil War) and he takes off like a NCAA Running Back, fighting along the way, but is knocked down by Thanos’s sword. Just as Thanos approaches him, Scarlet Witch jumps in front of Thanos. She says he took everything from her and he replies, "I don’t even know you". She uses her power to fight Thanos and takes his armor off to the point he calls for fire to rain because her powers are too strong and he refuses to loose. Spidey is being overpowered despite activating instant kill, because while Scarlet Witch was fighting Thanos, Black Panther passed the gauntlet to him. Capt. calls Spidey Queens (a Civil War Call Back) and he uses Mjölnir to get Spidey out the mess. While Spidey is flying with Mjölnir he somehow gets detached from a blast and Pepper catches him and throws him up to Valkyrie. Due to fire still raining Valkyrie drops Spidey and he takes over. We see ground blowup everywhere and just as Rocket is about to protect Groot, it's quiet. The fire rain stops. F.R.I.D.A.Y. says something entered the atmosphere. They look up and they ship in the sky is shooting at something in the sky. It's Captain Marvel reporting for duty and she dismantles their entire ship and Thanos looks defeated. Capt. tells her they need an assist and she goes to Spidey to get the gauntlet. He introduces himself (a call back to Civil War/Infinity War) but tells her he doesn’t know how she is going to get through all that as Thanos's army charges. Scarlet Witch and Okoye says she has help and the women of Marvel open up a can on Thanos's army. Thanos sees the portal and throws his knife to destroy it. Thor and Capt. are back to fighting Thanos but its short lived because he knocks them all out. Thanos grabs the gauntlet but Captain Marvel shows up to fight Thanos and and his assault doesn’t phase her. He has to literally hold the power stone in his hand in order to punch her and make a difference.
Iron Man Is 1 out of 14,000,605
Tony is tired of fighting because they seem to be getting nowhere truth be told. Tony looks over at Dr. Strange who holds up the number 1, meaning this is the only way we win. Tony has to be the one to save them. Tony actually has a look of dread in his eyes but he goes at Thanos with full strength, trying to snatch the gauntlet and Thanos, having all the stones, just knocks him away. Thanos goes to snap and says "I am inevitable" and snaps but the iron gauntlet is empty. The camera pans and Tony has the stones in his glove and we see the electricity go through his body. He looks at Thanos and says “AND I AM IRON MAN” and snaps.
You Can Rest Now
All across the field Thanos's army turns to dust just as the Avenegrs did in Wakanda. Thanos takes a seat and accepts defeat as he also turns to dust. Tony staggers to a rock to have a seat and the right side of his body is burned, just like Thanos and the Hulk were. Rhodey gets there first and looks his friend in the eye one last time with tears in his eyes. Spidey comes over and tells Tony that they won, not accepting the fate that is happening. Crying, Spidey tells Tony, “you did it sir, you saved us” as Pep moves Spidey out the way. Tony musters up a faint “Hey Pep” and Pepper asks F.R.I.D.A.Y for Tony's vitals and she reports they are critical. He smiles at her and she says they will be ok. he can rest now. The light on his chest goes out signaling he is indeed finally at rest. Capt. and Thor look on with tears in their eyes as Pepper kisses Tony one last time and cries.
I Love You 3000
We see everyone returning home after the battle to reunite with their family and friends. There is a voice over Tony is saying that everyone wants a happy ending, but it doesn’t work that way and he hopes that if this is being played, everything is back to normal and happy. This message is being played in case of an untimely death and being watched by Happy, Pepper, Rhodey, Morgan, Capt. and Thor. He says the time heist is tomorrow and part of the journey is the end and that’s part of the hero gig, what he signed up for. He says he doesn’t understand why he is worried because everything will work out like it is supposed to. His hologram walks up to Morgan and tells her he loves her 3000 and it goes off.
They walk outside to the backyard and place a reef in the water with Tony’s first arc reactor that Pepper made into a gift for him that said “Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.” Every Marvel franchise is there to say goodbye, standing together, and they even found Harley from Iron Man 3. Afterward Clint said he wishes there was a way he could tell Natasha they won and Scarlet Witch says her and Vision both know they won. Morgan tells Happy she wants a cheeseburger, a call back to the first Iron Man.
Asgaurdians of the Galaxy
Back on Asgard Thor tells Valkyrie he isn't coming back and when she tells Thor the people need a king, he states they already had one. She thinks he is joking but he is serious. Thor says it’s time to be who he is not and who he is suppose 2 be. He calls her Your Majesty and says for the first time in a thousand years he has no path. He joins Rocket on the Guardian’s ship that Thor now calls the Asgardians of the Galaxy. Immediately Quill and Thor have a power struggle (a call back to Infinity War)
It’s Been A Long, Long Time
Capt. is set to return the stones and is being seen off by Bucky and Sam. He tells Sam he is a good man and tells Bucky not to do anything stupid and Bucky replies “how can I, you're taking all the stupid with you (Captain America one call back). Banner tells Capt. take all the time he needs but for us it will take 5 seconds. When it’s time for Capt. to return he doesn’t. When he doesn't come back Banner says he blew right by his timestamp. Bucky notices an old man sitting on a bench and he calls Sam. Bucky tells Sam to go talk to him. Sam asks Capt. did something go wrong or right? Capt. says when he put the stones back he figured why not go get a life like Tony had been telling him to get (a call back to Age of Ultron.) Sam tell Capt. he is happy for him but sad he has to live in a world without Captain America. Capt. still has his shield and passes the torch to Sam. He tells Sam to try it on and Sam says it feels like someone else’s. Capt. says "it isn’t" Sam says thank you and that he will do his best to make him proud. They shake and Capt. tells him “that’s why it's yours.” Sam notices a wedding band on Capt.’s finger and he says, do u want to tell me about her? Capt. says he doesn’t think he will. The scene changes and we hear a song called Its Been A Long, Long Time (a call back to Winter Soldier) and we see Capt. and Peggy finally get their dance which has been 78 years in the making. THE END.
During the end credits every character got a nice photographic send off but when it came to the original six, we got a video montage of their greatest hits and signatures, ending with the G.O.A.T King Robert Downey Jr and as the picture fades we hear the sound of him making his first Iron Man suit in that cave with Yensin in Afghanistan, back in 2008. The theater erupts in tears, cheers and applause.
Let me take this time out to say that this was the greatest most heartbreaking fantastic super amazing awesome way to wrap up a Saga as you can get. No more movies should be made after this one period. In a 3-hour time span I felt every emotion one could feel and it ended with emptiness at the facts that it was over. Since my heart is still beating fast and my mind is racing, let me touch on my overall thoughts about the Original 6:
Clint "Hawkeye" Barton/ Ronin
"The City Is Flying, We’re Fighting An Army Of Robots, And I Have A Bow And Arrow. None Of This Makes Sense." -Age of Ultron 2015
Clint was always down for the team although he is only on the team by way of Natasha although both are S.H.I.L.E.D agents. She vouched for him and he could fly a ship and that is all Capt. needed to hear. He stepped on the scene in the first Thor with his bow and arrow and his one liners have been some of my favorites. Although he is the world’s greatest marksman, he was also a family man and I loved the way his family's ranch was the safe house in Age of Ultron. He always had the team's back and he played no games when it came to Natasha, his best friend. He knew nothing he faced or experienced made sense, but he was there to do his job no questions asked. I really want to know what happened when he was sent to kill Nat, how they became best friends and wtf happened in Budapest! We saw in Age of Ultron how important his family was, to the point that Nick Fury promised to keep it secret and off of S.H.I.E.L.D's files so it was no shock he went bananas when his family disappeared. When he was under arrest in that maximum-security prison, he was pissed in more ways than one because we know what he was leaving behind. I was actually glad he took a plea deal to be with his family and when they vanished my heart sank. Him becoming Ronin was a long time coming in the MCU but it also came at the perfect time. At Vormir for some stupid reason I thought they were going to outsmart Red Skull somehow. It wasn't until he started that slow motion run I was like wait... hold on.. nope we can't do THIS again. I saw his family. His farm. Although some people felt his character had the least amount of story arch, he was presented as a family man at the end of the day and I was glad we didn't have to have THAT scene.
Bruce "The Hulk" Banner
"So are you saying the Hulk.. The other guy saved my life? That’s a nice sentiment. Saved it for what exactly?" Avengers 2012
FOR THIS MOVIE RIGHT HERE KIND SIR! When Bruce said he had to be the one to snap I immediately grabbed Brian and said THATS WHY THE HULK WON BACK THEN. Ok follow me, this might be a reach but nothing in the MCU is farfetched so here I go. Banner saw no way out and wanted to end his own life, but Hulk wouldn't let him because the Hulk knew he was going to be needed later down the line, not necessarily the anger but the gamma. A reach? Maybe but I don’t care I’m committed to this statement. Banner always tried to get rid of the Hulk and they had a type of come to Jesus moment in Thor Ragnarok, but in Infinity War it seems like Bruce was calling on him to be big mean green again and the Hulk was over it. In the first Avengers movie him and Tony had a talk and Tony said instead of trying to get rid of the arc reactor he learned to live with it like a terrible privilege. When we saw Bruce Hulk Banner I said he learned to live with him. I was happy that it was Hulk Banner that snapped everything back. To me, although he was happy to have merged the two, it was almost like he was at peace knowing this was the moment all of this was for. I wished Bruce and Nat had more time, however I also feel it would have taken away from the storyline. He was the Hulk for two years and the only thing that snapped him back to reality was a video message from Nat. I wish she knew what she meant to him. He stated he tried to bring her back when he snapped which made me feel so sad for him. He will never get that closure.
Thor Odinson
"I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest of a long line of bastards, and he'll be the latest to feel my vengeance - fate wills it so." - Infinity War 2018
So we see how Thor deals with defeat. Shock isn't even the word when we saw the God of Thunder looking like someone’s drunk uncle at a family cookout. He took those five years to wallow in regret and emotionally binge on bread and beer and I can't say I wouldn't have done the same. Over the course of the MCU we could count on Thor for the following: good looks, an amazing body and his ability to be confused in many conversations because he was a 1500-year-old god. Thanos brought Thor down to earth and fast to the point where he didn't even know if he was still worthy. Although Thor’s downfall was predicted in Age of Ultron, We didn’t think it would be this serious. I can’t wait to see him become the man he wants to be by following his heart and not society’s rule of who he should be.
Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff
"I got red in my ledger; I'd like to wipe it out." Avengers 2012
This pretty much sums up Black Widow. In the beginning of the movie she stated that she had nothing until she got this which made her a better person, so when she was on Vormir and said "whatever it takes", this was her ultimate thank you to what the Avengers have done for her. Five years after the snap she was making sure the remaining Avengers checked in monthly, still working, still staying at the compound. Avenging made her a better person and I feel that if she didn't keep doing it in those five years, she would have been on the same path as Clint. The whole movie she preached about how they owed it to everyone to try and I wonder if she too was feeling survivor’s remorse. The one thing about Natasha is she is going to repay a debt. In the first Avengers, she was trying to save Clint from Loki's mind control. In Winter Soldier when Bucky attacked their car she jumped from the back seat into the front seat into Captain America's lap and covered his head since he saved her a few scenes prior and the list goes on and on. She is the definition of ride or die. She was constantly willing to give her life for the mission no questions asked, and even on Vormir, she didn't want to do it, but Clint saved her life by not killing her and bringing her into S.H.I.E.L.D. She felt sacrificing her life for the good of the mission was the very least she could do, because she knew without that stone the whole mission was going to fail. I wish we got her origin story before Endgame, but that's another post for another day. Natasha sacrificed herself for her family and I can't think of a better way for her character to go out.
Steve "Captain America" Rogers
“I can do this all day"- Captain America The First Avenger 2011
Spoiler alert: I am not a huge fan of the character Captain America. Although he has some of the best standalone movies in the MCU, his character was way too high and mighty for me up until Infinity War. I started to warm up to him in Civil War, but I still feel like he could have told Tony about Bucky and his parents long before anything took place. I know it was necessary for the story, but from a friendship standpoint, that was foul. Now that we got that out of the way, I love the man Capt. became. He went from being holier-than-thou to being a teammate. Capt. was good for a speech before a battle let me tell you. His words make you feel as if you could move mountains. He proved Tony wrong with him being able to lift Mjölnir, meaning everything special about him did NOT come out of a bottle. The name of Capt.'s game always seemed to be sacrifice and I love how he always carried a picture of Peggy and he seemed to always look at it when he needed encouraging, to assure him his sacrifices were not in vain. When Capt. was on the hill in his final battle and it was him vs. Thanos's whole army, Capt. stood tall and stood alone. It was just him and his shield and he was ready for battle because as long as Capt. had breath in his body, he was going to fight. When we got to see him finally get his slow dance with Peggy, there was not a dry eye in the AMC. If anyone deserves this happy ending it was Capt. He spent his whole life trying to be a better person and now he finally got his reward.
King Tony "Iron Man" Stark, The Greatest Avenger Of All Time
“I am Iron man.” Iron Man 2008
When Tony snapped my life ended as well. My heart broke into a trillion pieces and then those pieces were doused in alcohol and set on fire and that is NOT what I paid $25 for. Let me be clear about that. Had I known this would have been Tony's endgame, I would have waited, read spoilers, got my mind right and saw it next month. In the first Avengers, Capt. and Tony argue and Capt. says he wasn’t the one to make the sacrifice play, but funny how at the end of EVERY Avenger movie his was in the position to do just that. He put the nuke in the worm hole the first Avengers, He stayed behind in Sokovia with Thor, He fought Thano’s head on and then he snapped. He almost died at the end of every single one so I just knew he was going to make it out of this fight. I was sad Tony had to die because he has made it clear since Age of Ultron, he did NOT want to keep doing this. The events in New York gave him panic attacks but yet, with the earth unprotected, he felt he had no choice. He has seen too much to turn back. With Ultron, he felt he would be using his brain to protect the earth without him physically having to do it. Pepper left Tony because he couldn't stop prior to Civil War and it seemed like he was the only person not suffering from the results of the snap besides the guilt of not being able to save Spidey. Pepper knew Tony wouldn't be able to rest as long as there was danger, and now that the danger was gone, she knew he couldn't rest if there was a chance he could fix what happened.
When Tony had the stones and we see the electricity go through his body, I still didn't understand what was happening. It wasn't until his breathing was labored and he says “I am Iron Man”, and snapped, I remembered what happened to Thanos and Banner. I am still in shock. Even writing this I am thinking of some way they can re-reverse that snap so Tony could still be here. The man that finally got his happy ending gave it up to save the world and his family.
Avengers Endgame was one of the greatest movies of my generation, emotional roller-coaster and all. I look forward to re-watching it every April 26th as I will hold Tony Stark Memorial Services by watching all movies that include Tony Stark. So it is written, so shall it be.